
Opportunities to Serve at St. Francis Retreat House. volunteers

Volunteers are a key component of our Retreat House and help with many necessary tasks. You can find them serving meals, setting tables, helping Brother Ed Skutka at the dishwasher, kitchen prep, light housekeeping, gardening, landscaping, lawn care, snow removal/salting, general maintenance, mailings, office helpers, greeters, welcomers and retreat promoters. We could not do without them.

But even more, volunteers find they have a need to give. There is peace in raking leaves in the service of others, perhaps people they may never meet but whose lives they touch with simple acts done just for love. There is joy in putting stamps on envelopes and grace in the camaraderie of deciding who should mow and who should dig. Those who volunteer their talents often say that they receive far more than they give. And it’s fun! Come join us: you may find you cannot do without it!

Why volunteer? *A twenty year study, “The Health Benefits of Volunteering”, reports that those who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability and lower rates of depression later in life than those who do not volunteer. * Enjoy an annual appreciation dinner at years end. Call us today.We will be happy to have you join us!

Saint Francis Retreat House, Easton, PA, in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, is committed to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the message of God’s love for all people. In this Franciscan environment of hospitality and compassionate concern we seek:
To respond to contemporary needs by working under the guidance of the Holy Spirit To provide an affordable, peaceful oasis for those seeking spiritual nourishment and renewal .To serve those in need by providing programs that support human and spiritual growth. In the words of some of our Volunteers:
“I love the peacefulness here”.
“It makes me happy to share my time and to meet people”. “It’s like my second home”.
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Become a volunteer:

We depend very much on volunteers to help us with our retreat ministry here at St. Francis Retreat House, especially in our dining room.  If you have some free time and are interested in getting more involved with us here, please contact Carol Swavely, our Director of Volunteers, by email at; carolswavely@ptd.net or call 610-258-3053 ext. 0, or fill out form below.

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